We want you to learn about what we do and how we do it. We recommend first that you explore this site until you have a basic understanding of our investment strategies. At the very minimum, you should have already viewed the "Tax Sales" video
Our organization is comprised of and run by its members as a limited liability corporation (LLC). All decisions relating to company operations are made by majority vote unless otherwise indicated in our company's "Operating Agreement".
Each member of our organization owns a percentage of the company that is equal to and relative to that member's individual contribution. The minimum INITIAL contribution is $200 (covers an amendment to the state filed LLC and company email). That being said, the percentage of individual ownership in the business is equal to the percentage of voting rights one has. For example, if you own 20% of the business, your vote on company matters will weigh 20% unless otherwise indicated in the "Operating Agreement" (as in the case of matters requiring unanimous decisions).
Prior to any investment, a meeting will be held between members to discuss and vote on the investment. A member is not required to make contributions to any investment rather, may do so voluntarily to improve his or her ownership value in the company. Any assets resulting from company investments are subject to the ownership formula described in the above section.
We conduct all of our affairs using the Microsoft Teams platform. To become a member, you will be asked to download and become familiar with this platform. Free training will be provided.